Thursday, February 27, 2020

Managing of Energy Assets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Managing of Energy Assets - Essay Example Proposed technique and Justification for the Technique 12 6. Conclusion 13 7. References 14 Monitoring Transformer Performance 1. Introduction Before going to present the proposal for instruments and techniques that can be used to monitor the condition of a transformer, let us get a better understanding of what transformer actually is and why is it important to supply electricity through the network. A transformer is an electric device, which is designed to convert alternating voltage from one level to another usually from high voltage to low voltage. Transformers work on the principle of magnetic induction. Dickinson (2009) states, â€Å"Transformers under load generate heat due to winding (copper) and core losses occurring during operation†. Transformers are solid-state devices, as they have no moving parts in them. The step up or step down in the voltages is the main use of every transformer. 2. Oil Filled Transformers There are two main categories of transformers, which in clude dry type and liquid filled transformers. In this paper, we will prepare a proposal for oil-filled transformers at substations, which are one of the main types of liquid filled transformers. Oil filled transformers make use of cellulose paper and mineral based oil in their insulation systems. This combination of cellulose paper and oil is very good for the working of transformers because they provide remarkable dielectric and thermal properties at a low cost. About this combination, Dickinson (2009) states, â€Å"So popular and effective are these units, that all other transformer designs are judged in relation to them†. For outdoor usage, oil filled transformers are the best ones among all types of transformers because of their low purchase costs and thermal and dielectric properties. The inclusion of mineral oil in the oil-filled transformers although makes them flammable but the low cost associated with these transformers makes them a good choice for power distributio n companies. The low purchase cost of oil-filled transformers makes them an attractive choice for all types of power distribution companies. Dickinson (2009) asserts, â€Å"Oil-filled transformers, thanks to their lower purchase costs, find applications in literally every sort of power distribution†. The only weakness of mineral oil filled transformers is flammability, which is the reason why these transformers are allowed only in outdoor locations because outdoor locations are considered safe for the installation of oil-filled transformers because of availability of proper fire protection mechanisms. Experts suggest that the consumers should always buy oil-filled transformers from trusted manufacturers because they ensure lowest level of flammability in the oil-filled transformers. Flammability is such a weakness of oil-filled transformers that most of the power distribution companies seek good replacements of oil-filled dtransformers, which should be non-flammable. This is the reason why dry type transformers have been popular for decades because they are completely free from this weakness. Dry type transformers make use of high temperature insulation instead of mineral oil which them a risk free option for power distribution companies. â€Å"Dry type transformer construction uses high-temperature insulation that exceeds the ratings of cellulose or 'O' and 'K' class fluids† (Dickinson 2009). There is no risk of flammability in

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The reinterpretation of dreams; The role of cognition in classical and Essay

The reinterpretation of dreams; The role of cognition in classical and operant conditioning - Essay Example 882). As Revonsuo argues that nightmares do not support psychological theories according to which dreams serve emotional healing and adjustment problems. Revonsuo argues, however, that dream content is not as random as theorists claim. In fact, dream content is not only highly organized, but also highly selective. While dreaming occurs, the brain recreates a complicated representation of the world and these representations can either exaggerate waking world experiences of downplay them (Revonsuo 783). Revonsuo also argues that the content of dreams illustrates that dreams are mediated by specific experiences in the waking world. As a result, Revonsuo hypothesizes that dreams are therefore biological functions that serve to â€Å"simulate threatening events, and to rehearse threat perception and threat avoidance† (p. 783). Revonsuo supports his hypothesis by arguing that empirical studies consistently demonstrate that dream content is usually associated with â€Å"threatening elements† (p. 883). In other words, dreams usually involve negative experiences and rarely involve positive experiences. For example, a study conducted by Hall and Van de Castle in 1966) involved dream recollections from 500 females and 500 males between the ages of 18 and 25. The contents of the dream recollections revealed that 80% of the dream contents were negative experiences and only 20% contained positive experiences. Relying on the study conducted by Hall and Van de Castle, Revonsuo observes that a majority of the negative dreams were comprised of attacks or apprehensions of attacks from strange men or animals and in each case the dreamer either took flight or attempted to take flight or hid, or immediate arose from sleep (p. 884). Revonsuo evaluates why strange men and/or animals are the predominant threats in dream contents. Revonsuo goes back to the experiences of primitive man and notes that our ancestors existed in an environment in which animals were persistent t hreats. Our ancestors developed a survival instinct in which running, hiding or otherwise escaping became a staple coping mechanism. These human fears and instincts continue to haunt modern man. Dreaming simulates and perpetuates our instinctive and ancestral â€Å"threat-avoidance programs† (Revonsuo 884). Moreover, human relations were such that men often fought with one another for access to resources necessary for basic living. Although today, interactions with strange men are rarely threatening, it remains true that violence and wars are more frequently committed by males than by females. Therefore unpleasant dream contents in which strange men are the aggressor are also rooted in our ancestors’ survival instincts (Revonsuo 884). Essentially, Revonsuo concludes that dreams represent simulations of threats and that actions played out in dreams are actually representations of waking world experiences of possibilities. Dreaming about perceptions of threats and mechan isms for avoiding threats is no more than a rehearsal or simulation technique conducted in a relatively safe location: the dream world (Revonsuo). Essay 2: Kirsch, I.; Lynn, S. J.; Vigorito, M. and Miller, R. R. â€Å"The Role of Cognition in Classical and Operant Conditioning.† Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 4(2004): 369-392. Previously classical condition was perceived as a reflexive response to external stimuli. For example,